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C. Sung

A software engineer who is dedicated to learning new technology and educating.



➤三竹資訊雲端服務事業群核心技術部 Backend developing
➤臺北市立松山高級工業農業職業學校資訊科 Java開發課程指導老師
➤國立臺南大學資訊工程系 普通物理學實驗 助教
➤國立臺南大學資訊工程系 數位電路設計 助教
➤國立臺南大學資訊工程系 數位系統 助教
➤國立臺南大學資訊工程系 數位系統實驗 助教
➤國立臺南大學資訊工程系 機器人思維與設計 助教
➤國立臺南大學資訊工程系 資訊科學服務社社長
➤國立臺南大學資訊工程系 專題競賽 第一名
➤國立臺南大學理工學院 專題競賽 特別獎


➤後端開發(API)教學經驗 5 年
➤Arduino教學經驗 1 年
➤臺北市立松山高級工業農業職業學校電機科 演講
➤國立高雄科技大學資訊研究社 演講


Japanese Music Recommender System Based on Music Feature Extraction and Lyrics Sentimental Analyzation

  Nowadays, people are able to find a song which they want to listen to through search engines of streaming media platforms. Currently, most of the systems of streaming media platforms are based on Collaborative-Filtering. Therefore, the song recommended to users might be completely different from the one that the user is looking for. To recruit the target more precisely, we developed a recommender system based on Content-Based-Filtering, which analyzes the audio features and sentiments of lyrics.

first service
second service


➤Recommender System
➤Audio Feature Extraction
➤Natural Language Processing
➤Sentimental Analyze


➤Natural Language Progressing, NLP
➤Audio Feature Extraction
➤Sentimental Analyze
➤Backend Engineering
➤Hadoop HBase
➤Automatic Speech Recognition, ASR
➤Speech To Text, STT